There is little more heart warming than kids raising funds to help another kid in need. Led by 8 middle school and high school childrens from the Bahá’í community, more than RMB 15,000 was raised to help Joy, a mentally disabled orphaned girl.


Armed with the idea to complete a community service project this summer and inspiredby Joy’s story, the group organized a small fundraiser that included a bake sale, games, and working with their community to raise awareness about Joy’s situation and needs.




The fundraising booth

Preparingthe bake goods for the big event

Using Zoom to carry out frequent planning meetings and to delegate tasks, the kids organized all their own activities and carried out all the work themselves including baking their own cookies, cakes, and other goodies as well as organizing their booth and all the fundraising activities for the day.


Found abandoned 15 years ago, Joy suffered terribly from brain damage caused by untreated epilepsy. When first found she could not talk, walk, or really function much at all. With time, love and attention to her medical needs, her new mom, Ginny, taught Joy how to be loved and how to live. Today Joy is a vibrant, loving girl.


Ginny & Joy in the early days when Joy’s condition was very serious


Unfortunately, Joy’s mom passed away earlier this year and Joy has no one left in China to care for her. The United Foundation for China’s Health (UFCH) has been overseeing her care and helped find a support home in Beijing that is equipped to care for Joy’s special needs. The funds raised from this fundraiser will cover roughly 2 and a half months of Joy’s living costs at her new home.


A recent picture of Joy while on a field trip with her new support home team


To thank the kids for all their hard work, UFCH sponsored an Ice Cream Party and Awards Ceremony. This event not only allowed the kids to present their ideas and share about their fundraising activities but also gave them the opportunity to meet Joy in person. It was a fun event for everyone!


Ice Cream

Each kid was presented a Certificate
from UFH CEO / UFCH Founder Roberta Lipson

Parents enjoying the award ceremony

Group Photo from the Ice Cream Party
Joy, front- center holding a thank you sign,
appreciated all the support and a fun afternoon.